Saturday, April 11, 2015

It's Been A While


It is hard to believe that exactly ten years ago last month, a 22 year-old young man made the rather naïve decision to forgo his budding career in Child and Family Services (following in his mother’s footsteps) after a year in a half to pursue a more artistic tangent that ultimately saw him relocating to the Los Angeles area to further his studies in music.
In reflecting on what has transpired since March of 2005, back then, I would have never envisioned that I would be in the position that I am in today---for good, or for what I might consider the “not so good.” However, even the “not so good” should be all counted as JOY. For example, in the sport of cycling, as one works to pursue racing category upgrades, so that he or she can continue to pursue the personal goals that may require upgrading, the process can be often daunting, discouraging, dangerous, demanding, or any other adjective one might use to describe physical and emotional stress. But the key to it all is to not try to rush through it, but to enjoy the process. I have my cycling coach to thank for putting that perspective in my mind. The same perspective is true about life. Learning to enjoy one’s own growth process in life.
As this life of mine continues as a running narrative, where the chapters are still be written, in reflecting on the last ten years of life, I cannot really declare that I “know” anything. As I continue to frame more pieces of paper to hang on the wall, I am constantly shown how little I actually know, and maybe that’s my fascination with education, GOD only knows, but the only thing that I can offer are a set of conclusions I have made (some new, some old) that---for me---are more relevant today than ever:

1. Put GOD first in EVERYTHING that one does: I find that when I am at a point where I have no idea which direction to go, it is best to stop and pray for guidance. Prayer changes things. Once one works to refocus on HIM, doors open, bad ones close, and blessings abound. Just ask HIM to order your steps. 

2. I was “naïve” to think in the past couple of years or so, that my pursuit of music was naïve or that it was a mistake: It was not a mistake at all. It was a mistake to stop. Music is a spiritual gift given by HIM, and it is meant as a creative means to glorify HIS magnificence. It is meant to be shared, whether through performance, teaching others how to perform, et cetera. All of it is for the greater glory of GOD. It is a spiritual gift meant to be respected, cherished, and nurtured. Hence, why I have decided to press forward with my advancements in the arena in addition to the athletic pursuits. 

3. GIVE, GIVE, GIVE: This does not just pertain to financial giving, but another form of giving that seems to have more of an impact; the giving of one’s time and attention to others. Listening, mentoring, encouraging… BEING THERE for someone. Being a friend. A concept that seems so foreign nowadays that it might even be awkward for some... Almost as if it takes courage to reach out and help another… Giving never was the exception in the olden days, but the norm, which should have never changed… 

4. Life is not “too short” and all we have is time: I believe that because so many of us think that life is “too short,” way too much time and emphasis is spent on getting to that next step rather than enjoying the present and admiring and appreciating where we have been, the past (the process). I look back and thank GOD for all that HE has allowed me to accomplish in such a little stretch of time, and I look forward to many, many more years of personal growth and maturity, success, all in HIS name. So, when I tell people my age, and they say, “you’re still young,” maybe they are correct… Forever young…

I could go on much longer, but these are a few biggies that I thought I would share to mark this occasion.

Have a great week...